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                                Let us enlighten you with a wide variety of skylight product choices. VELUX has created a skylight for every space with solutions for every design dilemma.

                                Browse by Room Type
                              • See how much you can save.

                                By dramatically improving energy efficiency, installing a VELUX Skylight fills your home with natural light and your pockets with savings. Try our savings calculator to estimate your low costs.

                                Estimate Your Savings

                              Free Virtual Consultation

                              We’re here to help design your space, virtually.

                              Now more than ever, our team is dedicated to assisting you in bringing the benefits of natural light and fresh air into your home. With our free virtual consultation services, you'll receive expert advice on how to best utilize skylights for a healthier and more energy-efficient home. Let us help you make your home feel better, for good.

                              Learn More

                              26% Solar Tax Credit

                              Improve your home’s energy efficiency and you could be eligible for a 26% solar tax credit.

                              VELUX skylights make saving energy a breeze. Not only will they help you save on heating and cooling, but you’ll also be eligible for a substantial tax credit when you replace or add a VELUX Solar Powered Skylight.

                              Learn More
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